The Young Voyageurs

The Young Voyageurs
Boy Hunters in the North


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The Young Voyageurs by Mayne Reid





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The Young Voyageurs
Boy Hunters in the North


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Book Excerpt

ve but an idle theorist, a dreamy imbecile, alongside our practical young scholar of the West.

The third and youngest of the party--taking them as they sit from stem to bow--differs in many respects from both those described. He has neither the gravity of the first, nor yet the intellectuality of the second. His face is round, and full, and ruddy. It is bright and smiling in its expression. His eye dances merrily in his head, and its glance falls upon everything. His lips are hardly ever at rest. They are either engaged in making words--for he talks almost incessantly--or else contracting and expanding with smiles and joyous laughter. His cap is jauntily set, and his fine brown curls, hanging against the rich roseate skin of his cheeks, give to his countenance an expression of extreme health and boyish beauty. His merry laugh and free air tell you he is not the boy for books. He is not much of a hunter neither. In fact, he is not particularly given to anything--one of those easy natures who ta


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