Main-Travelled Roads

Main-Travelled Roads


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Main-Travelled Roads by Hamlin Garland





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Main-Travelled Roads


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A Branch RoadUp the CouleeAmong the Corn RowsThe Return of a PrivateUnder the Lion's PawThe Creamery ManA Day's PleasureMrs Ripley's TripUncle Ethan RipleyGod's RavensA "Good Fellow's" Wife

Book Excerpt

The mood of bitterness in which these books were written was renewed and augmented by a second visit to my parents in 1889, for during my stay my mother suffered a stroke of paralysis due to overwork and the dreadful heat of the summer. She grew better before the time came for me to return to my teaching in Boston, but I felt like a sneak as I took my way to the train, leaving my mother and sister on that bleak and sun-baked plain.

"Old Paps Flaxen," "Jason Edwards," "A Spoil of Office," and most of the stories gathered into the second volume of Main-Travelled Roads were written in the shadow of these defeats. If they seem unduly austere, let the reader remember the times in which they were composed. That they were true of the farms of that day no one can know better than I, for I was there-a farmer.

Life on the farms of Iowa and Wisconsin-even on the farms of Dakota-has gained in beauty and security, I will admit, but there are still wide stretches of territory in Kansas and Nebraska where the


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