The Blue Wall

The Blue Wall
A Story of Strangeness and Struggle


(2 Reviews)
The Blue Wall by Richard Washburn Child







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The Blue Wall
A Story of Strangeness and Struggle


(2 Reviews)
A good mystery story which will hold the interest of the reader from the very first, which is well constructed, well sustained, and has something of the dramatic quality, is one of the most desirable things in the way of fiction, and one of the rarest. The Blue Wall is all of this. When the story has added to these good points the quality of real literary worth, of atmosphere, of style, of character and depth, it is something indeed out of the common, and well worth talking about. The Blue Wall is like nothing else you have ever read before.

Book Excerpt

his membership on a certain directorate in 1890. The wife was the daughter of Colfax, the probate judge. They have no children. But perhaps you know as well as I."

"No," said I, studying his face. "I know nothing of them. Are they happy? Is there anything to lead you to believe that some tragedy hangs over them?"

For a moment he looked at me as if he believed me insane; then he laughed nervously.

"Bless me, no," he said. "Imagine a couple very happy together, surrounded by influences the most refined, leading a conservative life well intrenched as to money, the husband a partner and heir-apparent to an important law practice, the wife an attractive young woman who rides well and cares little for excitement. You will have imagined the Estabrooks."

"They and their servants are in the house?"

"Yes. Possibly Jermyn is away just now. I think I heard so. But I do not know."

His words seemed to clear away the chance of any extraordinary abnormal situation beyond the wall.


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Rosalie Rayburn - Suspenseful Thrillers and Investigative Drama
FEATURED AUTHOR - Rosalie Rayburn is a former journalist and author of The Power of Rain, the first in the Digger Doyle mystery series, which won a National Federation of Press Women Award. She has written for newspapers in Ireland, Norway, and the United States, focusing on local politics, solar and wind energy. Since retiring, she has walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain and now divides her time between Portugal and New Mexico.  As our Author of the Day, she tells us more about her book, The Sunshine… Read more